PAE Grant Story: Wee Care Child Care
With grant funding from the Plainview Area Endowment, Wee Care Child Care purchased a 15-passenger van for child transportation...

Plainview Area Endowment Grant Story: Central Plains Center for MHMR
With grant funding from the Plainview Area Endowment, Central Plains Center for MHMR replaced the countertops in the Reed Adolescent...

Plainview Area Endowment Grant Story: Plainview Civic Music Association
The Plainview Civic Music Association partnered with the Wayland Opera Workshop and Opera of the Plains groups to perform for several...

Plainview Area Endowment Grant Story: City of Plainview
The City of Plainview replaced the asphalt cart paths with concrete at the Municipal Golf Course with a Plainview Area Endowment grant....

Plainview Area Endowment Grant Story: Plainview Community Concerts Association
The Plainview Community Concerts Association, with funding from the Community Foundation of West Texas, put on several events in their...

Plainview Area Endowment Grant Story: Plainview ISD
Plainview ISD can now conduct vision screenings in half the time because of funding from the Plainview Area Endowment. In the past, the...

Plainview Area Endowment Mini-Grants for Teachers Story: Plainview Christian Academy
A Plainview Christian Academy 9th/10th-grade teacher used their mini-grant from the Plainview Area Endowment to purchase learning...

Plainview Area Endowment Mini-Grants for Teachers Grant Story: Plainview Christian Academy
With a mini-grant from the Plainview Area Endowment, a Plainview Christian Academy 4th grade teacher purchased items to create an...