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We give thanks on Thanksgiving. We hunt for deals in stores on Black Friday.
We browse the web on Cyber Monday. Now, we have a day dedicated to giving back: Giving Tuesday.

December 1, 2015
Inagural Event!
40 Nonprofits
$129,000 Raised!
November 29, 2016
2nd Campaign
73 Nonprofits
$266,000 Raised!
November 28, 2017
3rd Campaign
60 Nonprofits
$275,000+ Raised!
November 27, 2018
4th Campaign
63 Nonprofits
$270,000 Raised!
December 3, 2019
5th Campaign
59 Nonprofits
$523,000+ Raised!
December 1, 2020
6th Campaign
54 Nonprofits
$490,000+ Raised!
Each year, on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving, charities, families,
businesses, community groups, and students around the world come together to celebrate generosity. #GivingTuesday creates worldwide opportunity for a meaningful
collaboration of giving. It makes a difference across the globe!
The #GivingTuesday movement first began in 2012 at New York's 92nd Street Y, in partnership with the United Nations Foundation. In 2015, Lubbock nonprofit, Alstöm Angels, in partnership with the Community Foundation of West Texas, brought #GivingTuesday movement to the campaign. In 2016, the Foundation took on the campaign as a community initiative.
In 2020, the name was changed to #GivingTuesdayWTX as the campaign
benefits Lubbock and 14 surrounding counties.
The Foundation's goal is encouraging local giving. As our logo states, we want dollars raised in
West Texas to stay in West Texas! This campaign has a heart for Lubbock and our
surrounding communities.
Since #GivingTuesdayWTX's inception, more than $2 Million has been raised, benefiting more than 100 local nonprofits in Lubbock, Levelland, Plainview, Post, Slaton, and the South Plains.
For more information on #GivingTuesdayWTX and how you and/or your
business can be involved in 2020 the movement,
head over to 6102 82nd Street, Suite 8b, Lubbock, TX 79424 (806) 762-8061
Micelle Tosi-Stephens
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